Snapshots of a… Crazy Kinda Life

The Misadventures of Messie Jessie

A day of history, 1.20.09 January 20, 2009

Filed under: All about me,Simple Pleasures — Messie Jessie @ 9:04 pm
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What can I say about today? We all know it was the day Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America. It would be a lie to say I didn’t shed a few tears of joy and pride today.

They say that pictures say a thousand words, so I think I’ll let them do the most of the talking this time. 

Gathered in front of Independence Hall to watch the swearing in ceremony with my campaign friends (and a few hundred fellow Philadelphians):


Independence Hall with the jumbotron in the foreground

Independence Hall with the jumbotron in the foreground


We all agreed there was no one else we wanted to share this moment with.

We all agreed there was no one else we wanted to share this moment with.













Sula expresses her inner emotions on a T-shirt

Sula expresses her inner emotions on a T-shirt


A good day all around

A good day all around















"Happy Regime Change!"

"Happy Regime Change!"

Gratuitous crowd shot

Gratuitous crowd shot















And here’s Obama taking his Oath of Office from my point of view:


Open your eyes to the dawn of a new day, America!


4 Responses to “A day of history, 1.20.09”

  1. Otto Mann Says:

    I couldn’t have been out there in that cold. Seems really chilly.

    Glad that you were able to watch it with friends though! 🙂

  2. James Says:

    A thought on this day:

    This day is more than once in a lifetime, this day is once in History. We on this Earth and in this country will be forever remembered as the generation that saw the first African American President, beyond there being the first woman or gay or latino President sometime in the future, this is the one that broke the chain and opened the door for all others and that is something that can never be repeated. And it will no doubt be remembered as the day America reclaimed its name, reestablished its purpose, and reignited the torch to pass on to future generations.
    Just as I wish with a certain kind of jealousy and envy that I could have been there to see the moon landing or MLK or JFK or FDR or the fall of the Berlin wall, so will my children and grandchildren look to me with awe and jealousy asking me, “What was it like?” And I know even now that there are no words I or anyone else could ever utter that would truly express the grandeur, the pride, the patriotism, the joy, and the overwhelming sense of hope and excitement for the future of this country and the future of our world that I felt this day…

  3. Well said, young one; well said. Did you make it to DC, or did you watch from the warm comfort of sunny LA?

    One thought: you WERE around during the collapse of the Berlin wall. Unless, of course, you mean physically present to hold a piece of the wall in your palm. Then that’s a totally different story all together. Which would, in turn, somewhat answer my question in the above paragraph…

  4. James Says:

    No, sadly I didn’t make it out there. But it’s alright. I stayed up all night watching the early coverage and recorded it while watching it with my Dad. It would’ve been cool to be there… but I plan to make up for it by spending a lot of time working in DC and hopefully go to the 2nd Inauguration. 🙂

    Well… alright, maybe I was “around” for the fall of the Berlin wall, but I’m pretty sure that when it happened I had never even heard of Berlin and was instead in my room playing with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys, so I’m not sure if that would count… 😛

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