Snapshots of a… Crazy Kinda Life

The Misadventures of Messie Jessie

Word of the Day February 3, 2009

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 5:43 pm
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1. Lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct; lascivious.

2. Going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules.

3. Archaic: disregarding accepted rules or conventionsesp. in grammar or literary style.


How I encountered this word:

I read, therefore I learn…


Miss Pronunciation January 16, 2009


Shout out to my new Photoshop

Shout out to my new Photoshop

You know that clear, plastic stuff that you wrap around foods to keep them fresher (and that generally gets all caught on itself and ends up being more hassle than it’s worth)? What’s that called?


Well, when I was a kid, I always pronounced it cellophame. I even thought that was how it was spelled. To this day, I make a conscious effort to say it correctly.

I’m fairly confident that that happens to all of us at some point in our youth. But how often does it occur in adulthood? By the time you reach a certain age, pending a relatively normal IQ and upbringing, you should have pretty much mastered the English language.

Well, just a moment ago, as I was researching something on the internet, I came across a word: effervescent- meaning bubbly and fizzy; its the stuff those Alka-Seltzer commercials talk about. Now, I’ve most certainly used this word in my life, and more certainly, I’ve seen this word in print before. So why is it that not until this moment has it occurred to me that I have been pronouncing this word wrong my entire life? 

I’ve been saying eppervescent all this time. How embarrassing.


Word of the day December 28, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 4:10 pm
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-Waste or debris of any kind

How I encountered this word:

So, this isn’t really a new word per se, so much as it is simply a good word. I was at my grandparent’s house for the holiday, and in the spirit of killing time between meals I was looking through one of those magazines that sell useless crap, not unlike the Chinese Trading Post. Usually you don’t see higher level words in the product description of such magazines. A pet dander remover caught my eye, and in the details it read, “removes pet fur, dander and other detritus“. I was impressed with their wordage, and thought I ought to give them a shout out for it. 


Word of the day December 21, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 12:22 pm
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1. a harshtempered or overbearing woman

2. a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman

How I encountered this word:

While kicking some butt playing Scattergories, the BF and I used the same word for Language beginning with the letter P- Portuguese. He insisted that he get a point for it, claiming it his right due to his partial blood lineage. I refuted the point, reminding him that the rules clearly state you cannot get credit for words another person used- no matter where your last name originated from. He jokingly stated, “you are quite the termagant tonight”, and gave himself a point for the word anyway. On the tally sheet I made notation of the point to be deducted from his final score, and made mental note that my boyfriend is a sore loser. 


Word of the Day November 30, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 9:15 pm
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-Something that is needed or wanted

-Something considered necessary or highly desirable

-Anything desired; that of which the lack is felt; a want generally felt and acknowledge

How I encountered this word:

Well, I think I am going to keep the happenstance of this word to myself since, as my mom put it, it was part of “cutsie talk”. However, looking up analogous definitions of the word lead my mind to scrutinize of the exact meaning of the usage. I will have to ask the rhetorician for elaboration…


Word and Quote of the Day October 31, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 9:33 pm


-to appease or pacify, esp. by concessions or conciliatory gesture 

-make (someoneless angry or hostile

How I observed this word:

I was at work, and I happened to walk past as one of my staff were asking the psychiatrist if he would be willing to see one of our program members who was complaining of difficulties sleeping. I butted in, noting that the Doc had just seen this guy 3 days ago, and had changed his meds to help rectify the situation. My staff responded, “I know, but would you be willing to sneak him in, just to placate him?”


“You’re like a little whirlwind”


Yesterday, a very special person ever so kindly picked up my apartment for me. On the phone today they asked me if it was still nicely kept. I said, “well… the bed is still made”, and laughed. We got into a discussion that my apartment isn’t dirty per se, but that I just tend to come through, leave my stuff all over the place, and dash back out. I noted I will clean up, but then get frustrated because a few hours later my things are already scattered around again. I trumped the discussion by saying, “It’s my apartment, and it’s my mess, so it really doesn’t matter”.

I really liked the mental imagery of this description.


Word of the Day October 26, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 9:48 pm
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-The cleansing with water or other liquid, esp. as a religious ritual

-The act of washing oneself (often used for humorously formal effect)


How I encountered this word:

While working off a hangover at another’s home, I was talking about feeling like I needed a shower. I was invited to shower at my host’s, but I said that I would rather do so at my own house. I specified that I have all my toiletries that I use there, and my showering is somewhat ritualistic. My host responded, “So you prefer your ablution at your place, then.”


Word of the Day October 19, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 5:22 pm
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Coffee Legs

-That feeling you get when you have had too much coffee and consequently have the sensation that you could stride at a supersonic rate for eternity.

How I encountered this word:

I coined this term myself, this very day on the way to Acme. I felt like I had within my control all the potential energy I had ever stored in my life, now bursting from my lower limbs. I thought to myself, “Wow, I really have coffee legs right now”. I thought the neolocution was quite ingenious, and decided to claim it.


Word(s) of the Day & Fuzzy Memories October 13, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 12:47 pm
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apt to notice and make much of trivial faults or defects; faultfinding; difficult to please.

-Fitted to harass, perplex, or insnare; insidious; troublesome

How I encountered this word:

Well, I have to admit, I can’t really remember the context in which this word was used when I first noticed it because at that time I had already enjoyed a few stiff cranberry & vodkas. I do remember asking about the meaning of this word, however. Several times, in fact… and probably in slurred sentances.



to agree or surrender according to arranged or proposed terms; to accept defeat; acquiesce

-to negotiate, bargain

-to divide into chapters, put under titles or headings

How I encountered this word:

Again, I cannot recollect the exact usage of this word, but this time not due to intoxication. It was 7am and I was drinking my coffee and staring at the TV, pretending to watch it. This happens every morning. I think I am watching GMA, until I try to remember what they were talking about within the first 10 mins of my wakeness and I seem to blank out. On this occasion, I remember they were talking about the election and someone, somewhere, had something to do with capitulation. Who and to which definition they were referring I cannot say. I just know I liked the word and jotted it down. Good thing; otherwise, that probably would have escaped me to.


Word of the Day September 15, 2008

Filed under: Word of the Day — Messie Jessie @ 10:05 pm

I know its been a while since I had one of these, but trust, it doesn’t mean I wasn’t working on it. I’ve been seeking out this particular word for nearly 3 weeks:



-having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning

-acutely insightful and wise

*I highly suggest you check out my citation for the correct pronunciation of this word before you attempt to use it, lest you sound like a pretentious idiot. I know, because I have already taken such precaution. They make it fairly idiot proof for you. Click the little icon that looks like a sideways speaker with arcs radiating from it, and the gentleman will tell you how one should correctly verbalize this word:


How I encountered this word:

When I was in the process of buying the lovely Maggie-Mac, the wonderful salesman and I were discussing the accoutrements I may need to go along with her. I stated I really didn’t know much about computer gadgets, to which he responded, “Yes, but you seem quite perspicacious”.

Now, go use this baby 5 times to make it yours. You can bet I will!